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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Would the last person to leave No10 please turn out the lights ?
Not until they get their £200 loan.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Now Johnson's moll, Carrie, being "slaughtered" by various people who have deserted the govt re her crass behaviour (plus Bojo's shit!), for reasons that are unsurprising to many people who have highlighted Johnson's shit behaviour and lack of any moral compass often enough on this Sb board.
A lot of the papers are running that kind of "power behind the throne" line now, but ultimately he is PM. The buck stops with him.

The UK is in meltdown, totally broken. Largely down to years and years of tory lies, then morphing into UKIP and now widespread use of the Steve Bannon playbook. His malignant influence is starting to become overpowering, it's now starting to frighten some of the so called "liberal" commentators and "good" conservatives.

That documentary "the decade the rich won" explained it all well. A tax dodging, profit gouging, greedy elite filling empty heads with horror narratives on Crime, immigration and dastardly forriners with their red tape.

Always follow the money.
0762 likes this post
IMO every citizen of this country should be forced to watch that documentary and also forced to read the book by Peter Oborne, "The assault on Truth"!! I think Oborne has enough extra damning info to write a sequel to that book and a subsequent warning to every citizen of this country, esp those who who really "got it wrong so badly" in being duped by these populist c####.

So Starmer attacked outside Parliament tonight and rescued by the Police. This is a case of the most toxic politics I've ever seen. I'm not a Starmer fan, but this whole episode falls at the door of Johnson who hasn't apologised re that ridiculous Savile smear attack and he should be removed out of his cosy little number at 10 Downing Street asap. The man is contaminating Brit politics and gone well beyond "taking the piss" any more!! GTF out of this toxic govt ya scumbag and take the rest of your toxic, collaborative morons with you!!! Too much!!

Drip, drip, drip - Johnson exposed again in a new party revelation!! More to follow??? Definitely!! The extent of Johnson's offences "knows no bounds", a joke!!
He wouldn't sack the obviously sackable - he's no more likely to resign than me 'n' thee are going to be asked to be Prime Minister at the moment.
He has no comprehension of what the general public think (or think of him), let alone the rank (and for the most part they really are rank) and file CONmen and women.
0762 and Amelia Chaffinch like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
The similarity with Trump, in regard to retaining power and position at all cost, is striking!! I can recall commenting on the previous Trump OP that it would require the likes of the CIA to assign operators to drag him "kicking and screaming" out of the White House, such was the extreme megalomania attached to this particular US President. His eventual democratic removal became even messier than one could've ever imagined. IMO Johnson is a lesser version of the Trump "nut job" with less incitement and violence attached to his eventual demise. And then suddenly the "clown prince" presents his "out of the blue" strategy today to drop all Covid restrictions and "live with Covid" Ehhhhh!!!!?? What kinda message is being conveyed re a virus that has not gone away yet???? None of the devolved nations consulted either!!!!!?????? Disgraceful behaviour AGAIN!! A throwaway comment in the parliamentary debating chamber methinks!!! And no consultation with the NHS, Social Care etc!!!! Not about public health either!! I smell a rat!!
Was quite staggering to hear Donaldson of the DUP finally realise in westminster that he is dealing with an "english nationalist government" that cares more about red walls in England than preserving the union.

The penny has finally dropped that Boris and his pals do not give a flying xxxx about NI. And economically thats working out quite well for their people but it doesn't bode well for the future of "loyalists" and retaining power over there and that brings its own dangers.
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