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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
A man (really?) that continues to talk out of his arse and really hasn't a scooby doo about anything affecting anyone. When did he last queue anywhere for petrol and bog rolls, let alone buy and cook some pig's trotters?

Oh and Bodjit is even worse.

Well OK maybe unfair on Marr but when asking a question that he doesn't get a good, or in this case (plus ça change et al) no answer to the question at all, he hardly goes Andrew Neil about it does he? Just nod or smile and move on to the next scripted question.

I've no idea of Marr's political leanings, I could look them up, but I know Neil's are somewhat further right rather than far left, but at least he usually has a go at anyone from any party that he thinks is swinging the lead. Why else would Bodgit avoid him for party Leader and General Election questions? Why Neil thought what was always going to be Farage TV News would be a good idea though is beyond me. He did at least have the brains to abandon that ship as jump on a friendly looking iceberg floated by. Plenty of ice for his afternoon G & T's down on the Med for him to relax with now. What a 3 bag of lemons. About £1 in you local supermarket.
ritchiebaby likes this post
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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Note for info Marr expressed great concern a few months ago re the way the bbc hierarchy had been politically "taken over" and the fact he felt suppressed as a bbc presenter - presentations no longer as impartial as they should be. He looked forward to when he retires soon and then become free to openly express his views re the way the bbc has been affected politically.
theo_luddite and ritchiebaby like this post
But that won't happen anywhere that matters
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Yep! From what he's saying - lotsa people effectively "brought to heel" re presenting their bbc progs and not applying proper scrutiny and challenge to the UK govt and their protagonists or "your job could be on the line". I'm sure that was what Marr was inferring. It's populism in its true form - try to take over the national broadcasting operation and influence it as much as poss with the populist/global Britain ideology. The only good thing that comes out of this story is the fact the bbc is still full of people who will not be compromised or "cowed" by these kinda underhand tactics. But the Tories have got at the hierarchy of the bbc operation all the same.
Do my eyes deceive me, or is this the Fail Online putting the boot in?

Of course they can't quite keep it all real

Organic eggs and sausages ffs. Laugh Laugh

Maybe they are just lightly stepping on Bodjit's toes after all.

Some bollocks about beavers and burgers but apparently he didn't ask Kermit to help him out this time. Miss Piggy should be told, just before she's given the bullet.
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
IMO a light "tap on the wrist" by the Daily Hatemail Theo! Rolleyes
I notice that the former EU Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, who is now running for the French presidency, has challenged Johnson's "pitch" that Covid is solely to blame for the UK's present supply probs, Barnier asserting that these probs, incl the the shortage of lorry drivers, pumps running dry etc, are all down to the UK decision to leave the EU and choosing to end the free movement of people. He went on to say that Johnson "knew exactly what he signed" when he negotiated the Brexit international treaty - Trump style narcissistic behaviour in full view for everyone to see during and well after these events, so enlightening to watch this decepticon's antics TBH!!
The consequences of Johnson's poor deal include a disastrous outcome for the fishing, farming and food sectors (touched on by the DailyHM). This cosy Westminster cabal is now struggling to maintain GB in the face of Brexit Britain, the Irish question and English nationalism while the UK of GB and Ireland is breaking up. Their charade in Manchester re a future GB utopia is just downright dishonesty and rhetoric combined - d'ya remember that bogus line touted by these clowns (incl that arch villain Farage btw!!) years ago that BREXIT WAS SO EASY TO ESTABLISH!!!????? Utter tosh that fooled millions n millions of people! IMO the "clock is ticking" with no way back.
I forgot to add, "Did anyone notice Johnson's video shot shovelling a fish supper down his throat"? I'm sure a lotta people perceiving a shambolic buffoon and looking like one. However, IMO there was another cute message in there that this was a "man of the people" - an element of Tory "spin" in this portrayal and definitely still trying to connect with those "red wall" Tory constituents. Make no mistake the Tories need those "red wallers" and yet they are RW extremists of the highest order. The UC removal is just the "tip of the iceberg"; exploiting the Covid crisis to "fill their pockets" and those of their backers/chums is just another example. They have a well-oiled machine (incl 90% of their press/media attached) with parts moving smoothly to engender a sense of duty and patriotic pride, "we are all in this together" (dya remember that line???), and underneath it "all one and the same" - that is to be British, and thus beholden to higher values and considering all ethnic and national groupings inferior. IMO this is not, by any interpretation of the terms, decent, normal or reasonable - it's an extremist agenda motivated purely by the need to retain power, money and influence in the hands of the fewest number of people possible. IMO that is why Corbyn had to be destroyed and why "reasonable" Labour types like Blair and Starmer had to be preserved to maintain the fiction of democratic opposition - playing the designated roles given to them. Apologies for briefly mentioning Scotland in this concept by asking, "Why is it that they don't like us, the Scot electorate"? It's because there are not enough Scots up here who are like them or who are duped by them and that's a fact!! And that is why the prospect of full self-determination for Scotland must not merely be opposed, but crushed by them.
Also shoving Brexit "taking back control" down the throats of the fishermen he's already shafted.
0762 likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
Called out by the Independent for talking bollox, well what's new he always talks bollox.

In case you don't have an account.

"Eight false claims made in Boris Johnson’s Conservative party conference speech
Not for the first time, the prime minister delivered a major speech that was economical with the truth.

The claim:
“After years of stagnation – more than a decade – wages are going up, faster than before the pandemic began.”

The reality:
The respected Institute for Fiscal Studies says wages are rising no faster than in recent years. Furthermore – while pay is up by about four per cent – inflation is above three per cent, so there is no “significant wage growth”.

The claim:
“We will make this country an even more attractive destination for foreign direct investment. We are already the number one.”

The reality:
Last month’s UN World Investment Report said foreign investment had “declined for the second year in a row” – leaving the UK the 16th largest recipient, down “five positions”.

The claim:
“It was not the government that made the wonder drug. It was capitalism that ensured that we had a vaccine in less than a year.”

The reality:
The AstraZeneca jab was made by scientists at Oxford University through a programme that was overwhelmingly funded by taxpayers and charities, with less than two per cent from private funding.

The claim:
“We are going to use our Brexit freedoms to do things differently… we have seen off the European Super League and protected grassroots football. We are doing at least eight freeports.”

The reality:
The Super League had nothing to do with the EU or Brexit, it was a private venture, while freeports were entirely possible as an EU member. In fact, the UK used to have seven.

The claim:
“We have done 68 free-trade deals.”

The reality:
All but two are “rollovers” of deals that the UK already enjoyed as an EU member. The Japan deal added no significant extra, trade experts found, while the agreement with the EU itself is vastly inferior, causing a massive slump in exports.

The claim:
“This party that has looked after the NHS for most of its history should be the one to rise to the challenge – 48 new hospitals.”

The reality:
Many of the 48 promised are new units at existing hospitals, or major refurbishments of them, while others are rebuilds of community hospitals. In August, it was revealed that NHS bosses had been ordered to describe all such projects as “a new hospital”.

The claim:
“When I stood on the steps of Downing Street, I promised to fix this [social care] crisis. This government… is going to get social care done.”

The reality:
In that speech in July 2019, the prime minister said he already had “a clear plan we have prepared”. The plan took two years to emerge and the vast majority of new funding will go to the NHS, not social care

The claim:
Labour “decided to oppose step four of the roadmap in July”, which would have meant the UK “would still be in lockdown”.

The reality:
Labour supported the lifting of social distancing restrictions – the key aspect of step four – reserving its criticism for ending the requirement to wear masks in crowded indoor settings and the lifting of work-from-home guidance.

I also heard him claiming to be responsible for (or was it Brexit?) our athletes performance at the Olympics, Para-Olympics and a certain young lady winning a few games of tennis in New York.

Given the athletes are funded by grants from the Lottery, where did he get involved? Oh, yes, he's suddenly found some cash to fix the pot-holes in the nations tennis courts and replace the bits of string with new nets, that hasn't been available from anywhere in the lifetime of all the recent Tory governments combined.

"Wages are booming" - these being the same wage increases resulting from last years wage reduction that he chooses to ignore for the purpose of the "triple-lock" for Pensioners but now chooses to shout about from the hill-tops, well, a stage in an old Manchester Station that is now a conference centre. This in spite of the ONS telling him not to use the statistics in this way. So cough up you tight tw@t.

Wages are booming my arse. After being made redundant as a consequence of this clowns feckaboutary and not closing airports and the rest down quickly enough, I've earned about 50% at most of the year before's salary and it's still going downhill. Some major wage increase that is, and I'm far from the only one.

Oh, and there's a report into Russian involvement in the last elections that someone in Downing Street is still sitting on. That or his dog is using it for "doggy litter tray" absorbent.
ritchiebaby, 0762, hibeejim21 like this post
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Good comments Theo. Yesterday's speech by Johnson just epitomises the ex-journo/hack spouting off his usual soundbites and inaccurate assertions of the successes that can only be attached to him- failures should not be mentioned, not linked to him at all eh!! No mention of the UC shut down!! Thumb down I also listened to today's announcement that food prices will be rising and energy with it?? May I add that in one farming region of Scotland, Fife, a farming delegate mentioned the tons of strawberries that have been left in the fields to rot and over a million cabbages, same with brocolli, wasted - brought to the farming community by Brexit says this man. I WON'T EVEN MENTION PIGS! This was all predicted in one of the best SM OPs debated on this Sb board and it deserves an award (if there was such a thing to recognise top SM contribution to a certain subject, Brexit) - debated by a mixture of people who either supported Brexit or were vehemently opposed to it based on lotsa good references to economic analyses, independent govt studies, university studies, book publications, reference to blatant lies and false promises that were shamelessly said through complicit press/media channels - the list of offences and offenders is massive and the resultant list of casualties and victims of this massive political scam is becoming even bigger, an absolute disgrace!
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