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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
A lot of what Cummings says is true and damning.

But remember he was at the heart of policy, broke lockdown rules and was instrumental in Brexit, leading to Boris' election. It's a bit rich for him to be criticising just about everybody else now.
Lord Snooty likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
He's basically admitting culpability though Ritchie, whilst spraying the government with the resulting shitestorm. What is beyond debate though is that Boris is a lazy, good for nothing, negligent arsehole who is unfit for office.
ritchiebaby likes this post
"Getting his revenge in first" is the phrase one of my mates used to use.
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
I liked the idea of Boris injecting himself with covid to calm the British publics fears....Great idea.... Oh and Dilyn the dog being more important than a pandemic.

Absolute clown car of a government.
0762 and theo_luddite like this post
There's a classic cartoon "doing the rounds" showing a scene taken from the horror film, "The Shining", where Dom is breaking down a wooden door with an axe and BoJo is cowering in a corner of the room - "Here's Dommy"!! lol Laugh
I hope the Private Eye editor gets his hands on it as well as mocking Matt "it wisnae me" Hancock who professed today there is no evidence that he is a serial liar??? His previous Brexit antics anyone??? And I recently finished reading a book titled, "The Assault on Truth" that has researched references on a lotta Hancock's (and other Tory gov liars!) lies during the pandemic 2020 - absolutely damning and relative to some of the critical comments that Cummings uttered yesterday!! Well worth reading and some of the stuff is jaw dropping TBF.
Handsoncock was still lying that he was telling the truth in Parliament yesterday ".... always operated in an open and transparent way throughout the pandemic ... ".

Yeah, right, whatever. Tell us again about the open and transparent way you awarded the PPE and Track and Trace contracts, amongst many others, some of which you've still to make public many a moon after the 3 month window allowed under these circumstances, you little worm?

He's also wriggling on the hook about releasing folk into care homes without testing first, which he apparently assured all in Downing Street was happening. The door is a little ajar there as many subsequently caught it off staff moving from care home to care home, allegedly, but plenty took it into the care homes for the staff to catch it from them in the first place and then infect the next care home they visited.

I also like the idea of Bodgit injecting himself with Covid, though he did the next best thing by shaking hands with patients that were infected in hospital, numb c**t, then spreading it like wild fire round Downing Street and Westminster as he continued business as normal, while telling us all to stay at home. It would have been even better as a double header TV spectacular if Trump(ton) had an injection of bleach in one arm and disinfectant in the other at the same time.
0762 likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Call it "killing two birds with one stone" Theo! In this case, the birds being two horrible populist leaders who deserve severe retribution for their crimes against their own people.
It would have been even better as a last supper job with a baker's dozen round the table but aye, those pair would have done for a start. Bodgit and Trump would have been duking it out to be called the Messiah though.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
It gets worse. 2 stories I've seen today are unbelievable.

England's NHS plans to share patient records with 3rd parties.

Then we are treating tourists from Europe as criminals at borders by fingerprinting them and detaining them. What have we become?? You don't treat people like that! We might have left a political and economic union but they are still our friends and partners etc and we need to have a good relationship with Europe and it's citizens. Just imagine if it was the other way round and the EU countries detained British citizens and treated them like criminals the Daily Mail and the Express would have a meltdown.
theo_luddite likes this post

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Fake news to the Fail and sExpress. The border force are keeping out scroungers, asylum seekers and future terrorists as far as they are concerned when it's folk trying to drum up trade in both directions.

Most of the Brexit voting numpties I've talked to including the same % of border force numpties, it seems, think Brexit was about removing and barring anyone who is not a British Passport holder from crossing the Channel. My brother is one of those numpties, not working for the border force, but thinks he voted to send everyone else "home".

Another example of Handsoncock not lying about anything but beeing far less than open and honest Spirite
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
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