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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
(13-01-2021, 23:16)hibeejim21 Wrote: Only Mexico, India, Brazil and the US have recorded a higher figure, according to the daily Covid-19 deaths collated by Johns Hopkins University. No idea what you are looking at.

"There are hardly any countries in the Western world that are free from accusations of incompetence with their handling of this "

That argument - that one above in bold. Thats what they will use. Thats not a figure, its a way to prevent proper analysis of their handling of the pandemic.

I use the following website:

My numbers are based on a per population basis not on outright totals. We will always be higher on totals than most countries because of our population size.
Are you saying this is a calculation you are doing yourself from Worldometer ? I couldn't see one single source for their data after a quick look.

Anyway the UK government stopped using Worldometer back in April and switched to John Hopkins University who rely more on official sources - in the USA, for example, John Hopkins collates state-level information. The other problem was Worldometer’s previous reporting of the figures failed to note the difference in forms of reporting processes between countries, which makes its comparisons flawed.
There is virtually no difference in the numbers on each site. Worldometer uses mainly government data only. The Worldometer site has columns that take the cases and deaths and represent them according to population, this is the number that should be used for comparing countries. For the UK they use Gov.UK as their source, in the USA they use the State websites for each state. All of this is listed on their site.
Maybe I'm being daft here but I've messed around with the columns on that site and in no instance were we 9th in Europe that I can see.
You can isolate continents at the top of the table, so click on Europe and then click on the arrows at the top of any column to put them in order by that column.
Ahh got you..... So Who's number 1 on your figures for Europe then Charles ?
I think we are beating a dead horse here but I'll give it one more try. According to the numbers the UK has 47,175 cases per 1m population, ranked 16th in Europe (not the EU but the continent), this is about the same as Spain and France who are slightly lower in the 45k range but doing better than Portugal, Sweden, Netherlands, Croatia, Switzerland and Belgium, who are all over 51k/1m pop. The Uk is fairing worse in the death rate and is ranked 9th worst in Europe with 1,245 deaths per 1m population, Belgium of the decent sized countries actually has the worst death rate at 1,743 and Italy is worse at 1,338.

As has been mentioned the UK though is in a worse state today than any other country on the back of this new strain and is reporting more daily cases than any other European countries with Spain, France, Germany and Russia all struggling as well. Time will tell if this new strain grabs hold in the rest of Europe like it has in the UK.
There is another factor to add to the damning COVID stats in England and that covers the absence of lotsa European nurses. I picked up this info from a letter by a retired SRN that highlighted the fact that Johnson and his ministers ignored this "nurses' absence due to Brexit" as they fail to get a grip on this pandemic. During the run-up to Brexit, European nurses were "encouraged" to go back home by threat of having their registration to work in this country revoked after Britain left the EU. Now we are being told by NHS leaders that the current crisis is greatly exacerbated by a shortage of qualified nursing staff.
This inconvenient truth is never mentioned by Johnson, Hancock or Patel and others as they stumble from one botch up to the next. BUT HEY, IT WAS THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE EH!! Rolleyes
You can only kill somebody once - that is the only statistic that matters, it doesn't really matter how you do it. Once you identify why you are killing them, then you should take all sensible and reasonable steps to stop killing them.

Bodgit and his "Vote Leave Yes Men/Women Cabinet" have failed to do that by any measure and continue to do so.

Selecting your Cabinet by aptitude when you've an 80 seat majority is generally not going to make much of a difference, as you can blast any old bullsh!t through Parliament, but there might at least be one of them with more than two braincells between their ears to say - "hold on a minute guv - your a f'in barmpot for going that way". As for the stuff they get away with "under special measures" that Parliament doesn't even get a say on ..... Doh

You do realise, you now can't organise a protest march under any reason what-so-ever? Never put to the vote - just slid under the door when you were taking the bairns to school. Previously it was OK if "Risk Assessed", now they can clap you in irons for it.

So if you are going to Derbyshire for a quiet walk up in The Peaks and a take-away-coffee with your best mate - don't turn up with any placards or flags - and don't put it on Faceache or Twatter before hand. You don't want that Yankee dickhead Trump turning up before he goes and plays golf on one of his closed golf courses.

I reckon the current Cabinet are at least 6 braincells below the actual body count to be honest, I'm still a few short of the full list too. Far too many are sharing the same brain cell, and I don't mean one between two of them.

(14-01-2021, 19:06)0762 Wrote: There is another factor to add to the damning COVID stats in England and that covers the absence of lotsa European nurses. I picked up this info from a letter by a retired SRN that highlighted the fact that Johnson and his ministers ignored this "nurses' absence due to Brexit" as they fail to get a grip on this pandemic. During the run-up to Brexit, European nurses were "encouraged" to go back home by threat of having their registration to work in this country revoked after Britain left the EU.  Now we are being told by NHS leaders that the current crisis is greatly exacerbated by a shortage of qualified nursing staff.
This inconvenient truth is never mentioned by Johnson, Hancock or Patel and others as they stumble from one botch up to the next. BUT HEY, IT WAS THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE EH!! Rolleyes

Mentioned that a few pages back 0762 - you just put a bit more flesh on the bones and is why the Nightingale Wards were a waste of money and just a billy-big-bollox thing to deflect the bad news away from the clowns in Downing Street for a few days. Money that should and could have been better spent elsewhere, but as long as Local Councils and the NHS don't get their hands on it when they need it most .....

The f*ckwits still don't get it do they?
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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
(14-01-2021, 18:48)St Charles Owl Wrote: I think we are beating a dead horse here but I'll give it one more try.  According to the numbers the UK has 47,175 cases per 1m population,  ranked 16th in Europe (not the EU but the continent), this is about the same as Spain and France who are slightly lower in the 45k range but doing better than Portugal, Sweden, Netherlands, Croatia, Switzerland and Belgium, who are all over 51k/1m pop.  The Uk is fairing worse in the death rate and is ranked 9th worst in Europe with 1,245 deaths per 1m population, Belgium of the decent sized countries actually has the worst death rate at 1,743 and Italy is worse at 1,338.

As has been mentioned the UK though is in a worse state today than any other country on the back of this new strain and is reporting more daily cases than any other European countries with Spain, France, Germany and Russia all struggling as well.  Time will tell if this new strain grabs hold in the rest of Europe like it has in the UK.

By your measure San Marino are number 1 in the death rates right ? Forget about it, I'm done.

As one of the SAGE scientists pointed out today about the UK death rate - " It is an astounding number of preventable deaths from one cause in one year, [an] absolutely astounding number. It’s a sign of a phenomenal failure of policy and practice in the face of this new and dangerous virus,”

Aye but North Macedonia........Aye but San Marino.
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