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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
The kind of shit that happens when you tell everyone these are the rules, please abide by them - and the guy pulling his strings breaks them and is backed to the hilt.

You can't have it both ways.

Either he sticks to the rules that he makes up or he stops trying to make them up as he goes along - which is what the useless prat does every day anyway. He did it as a so called journalist, he did it as an MP, he does it regularly with women he's either been married to or (is/was) in an apparently "long term relationship" with (long enough to have a sprog or two anyway), he did it as Mayor of London - why would he be any different as the most useless PM in living memory?

(14-10-2020, 23:06)ritchiebaby Wrote: This afternoon I watched a BBC interview with Dr David Nabarro of the WHO, in which he stated that it was not lockdowns nor punitive restrictions that would beat Covid. It was basic hygiene, mask-wearing and social distancing along with testing and tracing that would do it and we all had to take personal responsibility for doing our bit.

Needless to say, that point of view is not to be found anywhere on the BBC website. It probably doesn't fit in with the required newsworthiness of policy disagreements, unfairness and lack of financial support that seems to be the accepted norm.

If everyone got the basics right, there wouldn't be a pandemic to worry about and write about. Testing and tracing would be relatively easy, the NHS wouldn't be under undue pressure, there would be far fewer cases, hospitalisations and deaths.

Isn't that what we all want? Or do we love complaining far too much to let that happen?

Testing and tracing would be relatively easy - well it is in Thailand and New Zealand for a start, if our Government hadn't given millions of pounds to their mates to (fail several times to) come up with a working system in a field that they have no experience in.

The simple way to do this was to fund local government and the local NHS regions to do this, but no Bodgit doesn't get back handers, sorry, Tory Party donations, from them. Further more, although he might have Tory MP's in the Labour heartlands, they don't have that at local Council level. What we've got as a result is a bag of shit app labelled as NHS so they take the flack while his mates charge us the taxpayer up to £7K a day as consultants. But we don't have enough money to buy a poor kid a £2 a day lunch for a couple of weeks.
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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Yep! I must reiterate this is the most corrupt Brit govt in living memory and they are doing it with impunity! Last night I listened to a similar debate on bbc Newsnight re local testing that would outshine the central govt provision that has been questioned by many Council and public health officials up north in the likes of Lancs and elsewhere.
I completely agree with theo, but all the testing in the world won't defeat Covid. Only obeying the rules will.

In Thailand and New Zealand, the people obey the rules, but in the UK nobody believes Boris anymore, and therein lies the big problem.

If you get the chance, take a listen to MP Dan Carden on the Government's record in cronyism v The NHS in a nutshell.
Cabbage is still good for you

It is the fact they are doing it with impunity and we seem to be powerless to do anything about it now. The English electorate have unfortunately given them a licence to do anything they want incl recent proposed parliamentary bills that will allow human rights violations and unlawful practise by certain military personnel, undercover agents from 13 different law enforcement agents (eg Police, HMRC and even the FSA FFS!!!) - absolutely outrageous!! In the case of huge contract awards to Tory donors and associates, this practise "flies in the face" of well-established civil service and local govt practise/rules - deemed illegal under govt legislation and fair/competitive tendering procedures. Their abuse of the "emergency ruling" on contracts is again outrageous and it is not transparent either with huge flaws in tracing the movement of govt money etc. I hope Carden keeps up the onslaught on what I regard as criminal activity/fraud in a flawed system of awarding huge contracts in this way.
You got that right ritchie. Their Government's acted early and laid down the rules and everyone followed them for the common good. The biggest was to stop international travel other than nationals coming home and make sure nobody in Government was above the rules.

As a result, infections were relatively small, track and trace was easy. Bodgit sat on his hands for a month or at least the best part of it. Let anyone and everyone in, from anywhere - let's keep the economy moving. Flights from Milan and Central China were neither blocked nor were the passengers isolated, tested or anything else. Two of our first recorded people with Covid were a pair of Chinese tourists in York. I'll let you work out which part of China. Another was the fella that came back from an Alpine ski resort who spread it around like Lurpak. OK - he should have been allowed home but he should also have been isolated when you saw his full itinerary.

Bodgit still sat on his hands until Covid cases were popping up all over the place. At that point he completely gave up on track and trace with the NHS and local councils as he saw an opportunity for his mates to make money. So he gave them a pile of it and individual airlines eventually pulled some flights off their schedules. By the time he realised his mates weren't coming up with the World Beating App he promised us all - too late.

The genie wasn't just out of the bottle - it was everywhere. When just about everyone else was still behaving themselves and not going to pubs even though they were open because he didn't want to give pub owners and workers any money despite just about shutting down just about every industry in the country and paying workers to stay at home, Cummings suddenly decided to go walkabout and Bodgit decided it was OK. And at that one point, there you have it. Anarchy in the UK. If procrastination was an Olympic Sport - Bodgit would win every medal on his own.

Sooner or later there will be another national lockdown. At the moment Bodgit wants to procrastinate by putting some cities and areas into one of 3 zones, whether they have 0 cases (Anglesey) a moderate amount of cases (most of the country) or a high number of cases (Liverpool, Merseyside and Nottingham). Check the numbers. He wants to put and has put Lancashire into the same band as the Scousers despite them having half the number of cases. Manchester is resisting yet Nottingham despite having the same number of cases as Scouseland isn't even on the radar for Level 3. So, more confusion - no clarity of how and when you get out of these bands and the fuckwit wonders why nobody takes anything he says seriously any more.
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A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
A vg summary of a total f### up by a Brexit govt that ironically experienced a "wrath of god" moment which nobody could've ever visualised unfolding in the early months of this year 2020. This govt was formed to deliver Brexit!! Lets not "beat about the bush" on this fact. A bit like the German 3rd Reich of the 1930s, many of us watched with incredulity the brazen way that this bunch of fanatical Tory fuckwits were formed to pledge allegiance to the prime anarchist, Cummings, together with his opportunistic backer/PM, Johnson and deliver Brexit "at all cost" plus subvert the law if necessary and damage anyone who "gets in the way". Ironically, they were landed with a political/national catastrophe that a competent govt would find difficult to handle but that govt would've managed it in the best way that they could do it!! This was not a govt with any of the requisite attributes to handle such a crisis - that is a fact and it has been exposed for months. As for the Brexit scenario, the whole economic, public health and political landscape has "exploded in their faces" and is totally contrary to the stable global conditions these RW liars and charlatans actually preached about re the Brexit outcome to lotsa people in the populace who were stupid enough to believe their shit. Bring on a Biden victory in the USA next month and the "chess game" is concluded with this bunch of Tory c#### being fully exposed for what they are but are still willing to "bring down the country" with them - an absolutely unbelievable mentality but this group of Tory govt fanatics are indeed mentally unstable when it comes to this irrational way that they perceive themselves leading the country "down an economic cliff" while flippantly dealing with an out of control virus that is not gonna go away.
PM of NZ just won a landslide victory in their elections for the way she handled it. Hasn't been one of those in NZ for ages. Good leadership will trump populism anyday. We just need someone to stand up to Bodgit (well he's trying) as a leader. Unfortunately for whoever follows Bodgit, they will be shovelling shit up hill for at least 4 years.
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A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
I noticed that slimy rat Gove having a pop at Andy Burnham, but as per usual he obscured the point that Andy was making.

Burnham was not arguing against a lockdown. He's saying that putting workers on minimum wage on to a 67% furlough scheme is going to be impossible to implement.

If its compliance thats needed by the government they are going to have to pay for it.
So that Tory CoE, Sunak, who has been trying to sell the false image of him being such a "generous" Chancellor (not!!!!) will have to reconsider his deceptive position then eh!! The man is a con who is following that c### Cummings' orders!! Thumb down
I like this Give it a go for a laugh.

Reduce 'red tape' for business. Remember that one ? Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh It's gonna be xxxx chaos.
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