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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Too many on mogadon to be honest.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.

No surprise here, as post-Brexit food import standards are not guaranteed.
Cabbage is still good for you
I noticed there was a £122 million PPE contract up for grabs the other week. 2 companies were in line for it.

Guess which one got it without tender ?

Was it. Company 1) A business from Knowsley with 45 years experience in the field ?

Company 2) A company set up in may this year with ties to tory peers ?

Yup. Company 2 got it. Profits of 20% too, Kerching!!! And the joke is on the UK taxpayer.
The Governments Brexit advice for business website is a hoot.

1. Check if product subject to EU Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs). Full list is here [NTB To Be Confirmed].

2. If subject to NTBs, DO NOT PROCEED as you can no longer export to EU. Instead follow this advice [Advice To Be Confirmed].

3. If not subject to NTBs, fill in Customs Declaration Form here [Form To Be Confirmed].

4. Then check if product subject to EU tariffs. Full List is here [Tariff Schedule To Be Confirmed].

5. It is your responsibility to ensure any procured haulier has the relevant access permit [Permit Process To Be Confirmed].

6. It is your responsibility to ensure exports meet EU standards as UK standards may diverge [Standards Comparison To Be Confirmed].
More Bodgit procrastination - nowt new here then.

Get Brexit done?

I wouldn't trust him to get some toast and a mug of tea done for breakfast. It would be lunchtime before he decided what setting to put to the toaster on, let alone work out how much water to put in the kettle.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
He can bang on about his world beating test and trace all he likes, it matters not a jot if the labs cant process them and people cant access them.

Who would have thunk it but corbyn was right about giving life-critical contracts to unqualified, proven failures in the private sector being gross negligence and stupidity AND actually costing us as taxpayers more. Its a free for all now because one of the key objectives behind Brexit was to move more and more public (our) money into the hands of the tories and their donors with no scrutiny. Taking the EU out the equation allows that to happen on a massive scale.

The pigeons are coming home to roost.
0762 likes this post
And hopefully we'll at least, but belatedly, have formally "flown out of the nest" and out of this Union that this bunch of Tory c####/chancers have abused for far far too long - time to tell them to finally f### off and "keep out of our faces" in Scotland before somebody of self-effacing RW importance gets hurt.
This afternoon I watched a BBC interview with Dr David Nabarro of the WHO, in which he stated that it was not lockdowns nor punitive restrictions that would beat Covid. It was basic hygiene, mask-wearing and social distancing along with testing and tracing that would do it and we all had to take personal responsibility for doing our bit.

Needless to say, that point of view is not to be found anywhere on the BBC website. It probably doesn't fit in with the required newsworthiness of policy disagreements, unfairness and lack of financial support that seems to be the accepted norm.

If everyone got the basics right, there wouldn't be a pandemic to worry about and write about. Testing and tracing would be relatively easy, the NHS wouldn't be under undue pressure, there would be far fewer cases, hospitalisations and deaths.

Isn't that what we all want? Or do we love complaining far too much to let that happen?
0762 likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
Yep! I can't be the only observer to perceive that I think England is "on the brink" after watching all the shit coming out of Westminster, the projected graphical data and the worst hit regions while I notice Wales leader, Mark Drakeford, basically shutting the Welsh border as best he can and with the resources at hand after finding Johnson's non-communication on the crisis too much to bear - time to act unilaterally!! At least it detracts from all this previous shit about the "non-existent" Scottish border possibly being shut down by our FM - such an affront eh!!?? Nahhh!! If the evidence was there to shut it down in the name of public health, then shut it down!!
If we thought that the rules were complicated and confusing before, you ain't seen nothing yet! Now that the "what's in it for me" attitude is coming to the fore, with local councils bargaining with the Government on the nature of the restrictions, we can only watch in disbelief as the NHS is overwhelmed.

Boris has allowed the pandemic to become a political football, giving local politicians the power to look for a way round some of the rules, the very thing that is proving to be a major problem with some of the general public.
Cabbage is still good for you
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