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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Aye! Apparently due to underlying health probs - could be a "wrath of god moment" if true eh!! You couldn't make it up - a horrible two-faced narcissistic character who would "stab you in the back" at any opportune moment that suits him and now stricken down by a debilitating virus that some people cannot recover from.
Yup, Boris the bozo will be there to crash us out and I reckon someone like Sunak will replace him....and likely start the softly/softly row back towards Europe.

Just think - our trade policies are going to be run by the brains trust that is Liz Truss and Tony xxxx Abbott Laugh Laugh

land of hope and glory indeed.
0762 likes this post
Yep! The biggest political conspiracy I've ever seen in my life time and brokered by one of the most naive voting populations in Europe - TOTALLY DUPED!! I repeat my biggest concern is that we are eventually gonna be attacked up here by these Tory morons/extremists who are panicking like f### because of the consistently rising "swing of opinion" of the Scottish population towards self-determination with 5 out of 8 regions in Scotland now supporting it . The clarion call is SCOTTISH INDEPENDENCE IS COMING, PASS ON THE MESSAGE! Thumb up And lets be ready for this vicious piece of political skulduggery which is gonna cross our border with England. Ohhhhhh, I forgot that border disnae exist according to these charlatans! Huhhhhhh!! Just refer to the Scotland Act alone and that says different!!
I love how the tories are desperately trying to get people back into offices while they and their mates are losing a fortune in rents and the likes of Pret are hitting hard times. But they could have your locality shoved into a lockdown at the drop of a hat Laugh

The landscape has changed now, lots more people will be working from home for the foreseeable. And if the tories and their donors lose a few quid well that's just tough isn't it ?

Tell you what, stop Brexit and I'll go back to the office.
0762 likes this post
Watching that halfwit-come-complete-and-utter-fuckwit Hands-on-cock on Breakfast TV today coming out with complete and utter bollox as to why testing at Heathrow wouldn't work as you often get symptoms and only test positive a few days after. After what for crying out loud? If you picked the bloody virus up on the first two days of a two week holiday that's plenty of time for it to give you a positive test when you arrive back home.

But er, the test at Heathrow includes a take home follow up test to be done after a few days of "incubation" otherwise known as isolation. Of course the Government won't give its backing. The Government didn't set it up with their preferred non-tendering money grubbing partners such as Serco. Heathrow grabbed the initiative and set it up themselves, except of course, if the Government won't back it, Heathrow can't make any money out of it so they won't run it. If they (the Gov) do agree to it, neither can Serco et al and of course Hands-on-cock, Bodgit and all the gang won't get their back-handers either. Smartass

Now how long did it take those folk from Plymouth who came back to Cardiff on a flight from Zante to all test positive after arrival last week again? Just why would they have not tested positive on landing at Cardiff exactly (or at least a good few of them)?

Corrupt to the bleeding core every man-jack of them down in Back-hander-minster. Why-oh-why-oh-why wasn't the bleeding obvious question asked by the Beeb journo this morning? Too bloody scared in case Cummins demands his head on a plate for being anti-Tory and anti-Government that's why. Instead he teed him up with a 'You've not done very well so far in the opinion of the public, how do you think Corbyn would have fared?' question. Chuff me - a free bloody pass on that one for changing the narrative. Nobheads the lot of 'em.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
This isn't a government, its a mob of criminals and disaster capitalists for whom the stock market = the economy. Everything they touch turns to shit.

Parading Tony Abbott around all the various departments of No10 yesterday, like some weird trophy,The 8 biggest haulage firms in Britain warning of "border chaos" at Dover,a second wave of COVID coming down the pike while the BBC run war nostalgia stories every night of the week.

The UK is in a very strange place at the moment.
0762 likes this post
Why is the Beeb running war nostalgia stories???
So they don't run anything that the dweeb in No. 10 and his puppet can't throw any 'biased against the Government accusations' at them. Brexit is a War against those evil European Dictators didn't you know just like we're at War with the equally nasty Chinese Covids? Londoners will all be sheltering down in the Tube Stations soon. Oh, hang on a minute - that's how they spread it across London in the first place.

The fact that lard-arse is doing bugger all on both fronts is neither here nor there, but the Beeb isn't allowed to question them about that. Questions would be classed as too biased I'm afraid.

Sums it up nicely
hibeejim21 and 0762 like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.

I can see that Rashford will never be compelled to vote Tory in a million years after encountering another shameless wealthy Tory c### who is out of touch with reality when it comes to having some kinda empathy for the plight of poor families and radical ways to try and support them as much as we can.
(06-09-2020, 22:08)0762 Wrote:

I can see that Rashford will never be compelled to vote Tory in a million years after encountering another shameless wealthy Tory c### who is out of touch with reality when it comes to having some kinda empathy for the plight of poor families and radical ways to try and support them as much as we can.

I’m not one for defending any Tory, but essentially what he said is correct. To quote the tweet “Where they can, its a parents job to feed their children”, a statement that might well lack empathy and support for what Rashford has done but it is correct. Parents who require assistance should be able to get it but it is a parents responsibility to feed their kids if they are capable of doing so.
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