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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!

Now the Russia Report is revealed and exposes the fact that this corrupt Brit govt did f### all to combat the threat to the country and Russian efforts to destabilise. IMO Brexit was part of this conspiracy and huge questions and scrutiny should be focused on how significant these incursions were in ensuring that Brexit happened!! Then decide if the whole Brexit referendum be declared void. Also I still wanna "follow on" to probe if conspirators like Aaron Banks and others were receiving Russian money to campaign and influence the Brexit vote in 2016. Plus I wanna see a fully published list of Russian money contributed to the Conservative Party and other associates/Tory donors. I wanna see a damning revelation of Russian financial influence that links to the main reason why the British govt did zilch to counter these political incursions to subvert the democratic and constitutional processes of this country.
There was no Russian interference found...... because we didn't look for any Laugh Laugh Laugh Whistle

The UK is a xxxx joke, run by dopey, upper class clowns that are fronts for Spivs and crooks, pockets stuffed with foreign cash, aided by an electorate who have been dumbed down by foreign media owners for decades now. Meanwhile in parliament last night the NHS sell off loophole was voted through, The roll back of food & agricultural standards given the go ahead, the devolved administrations pissed all over. Pompeo in no10 today with his shopping list for trump.

We are living in a kackocracy.
0762 likes this post
….and Johnson visiting Scotland on Thursday (I thought he still had a coronavirus crisis to deal with in England!?) without informing the Scottish govt at all - the ultimate shitheid of a politician guising as a political leader of another country but actually playing Trump politics!!! Lotsa Scot indy supporters and other Scots trying to find out where in Scotland the bastard intends to visit where, no doubt, he will go through the usual cowardly Tory stage management of talking to a minority of Tory backers in a sterilised set up devoid of ordinary Scottish citizens who emanate from normal public life far away from most of these divisive elite morons who do not represent the positive "mood" of most of the Scottish population towards devolved governance of Bella Caledonia and any threat to undermine it.
Johnson's Russian links.

Sergei Nalobin
Joseph Mifsud
The Lebedevs
Lubov Chernukhin.

All tied together via Putin and the londongrad laundromat.

What he says up here matters not a jot. He will likely continue in the illusion that an independence referendum is a gift that he may give or withdraw but I reckon things are accelerating beyond his control now. He's an absolute liability to the union.
0762 likes this post
I was listening to an American global political analyst in a bbc radio interview last night and the question arose on how to suppress Russian influence on British politics esp when we have a Brit govt that has questionably ignored the threat for just under two decades. She suggested that the bribery/laundered money be shut down with various methods to do it. One of them was to SHUT DOWN KNOWN TAX HAVENS WHERE THESE CRIMINALS ARE STORING THEIR MONEY "OUT OF SIGHT" OR SO THEY THINK. I chuckled on hearing this suggestion, mainly because there are known offenders within the Brit govt and the Brit establishment who are practising in exactly this way - IT IS GOBSMACKING!!!! That leads back to my suggestion that there should be a huge formal investigation and a relative list of these elite, wealthy people in the UK who have been "got at" and influenced by Russian money as well as protecting their tax havens and unscrupulous money dealing. This is a massive story of bribery and corruption that is significantly linked to making Brexit happen and should be investigated and fully revealed to a duped English electorate many of whom I reckon are beginning to realise the folly of electing this type of unscrupulous Brit govt with no regard for people, the law, democracy or their flimsy constitution. IMO the reputation of Brit/English politics is well and truly "in tatters" and I thought the latest 30 peerages that Johnson brazenly handed out to Brexit backers just summed up where we are in this country - years and years behind in a modern political sense!!
ritchiebaby likes this post
Money Laundering on an eye-watering scale immediately springs to mind.
Cabbage is still good for you
(21-07-2020, 22:10)0762 Wrote: ….and Johnson visiting Scotland on Thursday (I thought he still had a coronavirus crisis to deal with in England!?) without informing the Scottish govt at all - the ultimate shitheid of a politician guising as a political leader of another country but actually playing Trump politics!!! Lotsa Scot indy supporters and other Scots trying to find out where in Scotland the bastard intends to visit where, no doubt, he will go through the usual cowardly Tory stage management of talking to a minority of Tory backers in a sterilised set up devoid of ordinary Scottish citizens who emanate from normal public life far away from most of these divisive elite morons who do not represent the positive "mood" of most of the Scottish population towards devolved governance of Bella Caledonia and any threat to undermine it.

Johnson arrives in, wait for it - ORKNEY lol - preaching to the masses ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Laugh Laugh
And surprise, surprise for him - lotsa Scottish hecklers with Saltyres and banners giving him laldy ha ha ha!!! Next stop apparently Moray where he'll no doubt be in his "comfort zone" with the wealthy hob nobbers up there but again lotsa Scot indy backers "making a bee line" for that location and gonna let him know, in no uncertain terms, how unwelcome he is in preaching his Brexit and Unionist shit to a population that disnae want it!!!Thumb down
Johnson doing the job for Indy for Scotland, only here to meet his Toff friends, with Britain leaving the EU Orkney is at a -18% loss in GDP.
Russian Asset sighted Laugh over the Pentland firth - scramble all RAF jets. Laugh Laugh

I love this suggestion from the Scottish tories that Boris's big achievement is making farage irrelevant - aye but by giving the yellow teethed,fascist fraud everything he wanted - a hard Brexit. xxxx going to be rich beyond his wildest dreams.

He's up here to portray Scotland as the recipient of some foreign aid style fund by England rather than an equal partner and contributor to the UK treasury.

Covid was a chance to rebuild for the future with the likes of UBI,to fund research and education, invest in new technology and new ways of working. Instead the tories are just making their mates in business get cashed up and we go back to the same old same old, even though the polls show that people want change.
0762 likes this post
Barnier confirming that British interest in a Brexit deal just isn't there - IS ANYBODY THAT SURPRISED AFTER LAST AUTUMN'S EVENTS????????? I must also add that the bbc in Scotland has surpassed itself in accommodating some of the most outrageous and unsubstantiated comments re Scot indy from certain Tories without a "right of reply"!!! Thumb down One ridiculous comment was that the Scot FM was politically campaigning the same as Johnson FFS - NOT F####### TRUE; SHE IS NOT EXPLICITLY CAMPAIGNING FOR INDY AT THE MO ALTHOUGH MANY PROTAGONISTS WOULD LIKE HER TO "FIGHT ON TWO FRONTS"!!!! Another Tory non-entity of a unionist MP from Aberdeen, Bowie, remarking that the SNP govt is shamelessly pushing and talking about Scotindy - NO THEIR NOT AND UNCHALLENGED BY THE BBC INTERVIEWER THAT THEY (JOHNSON ET AL) ARE, IN FACT, TALKING DOWN SCOT INDY AS WELL AS POLITICISING THE PANDEMIC CRISIS - OUTRAGEOUS!!!
Re the Russia Report, it stated that the UK govt had refused to act on warnings of Kremlin interference in the Brexit campaign. The report indicates they were afraid of finding the extent of it. Of course they didn't wanna know, for that would have forced them to halt the gigantic "gravy train" greasing the business of commerce in London - didn't you notice Johnson's emphasis to Starmer in Parliament yesterday that there was no evidence to stop Brexit happening from the "other side of the House" - what a farce and a total "smokescreen of the real truth"!!!!!! Once more, it seems, senior members of the UK establishment and their rich donors have been eager to jeopardise our national security in exchange for a hefty commission - this practise goes back decades n decades to before the second world war (and after) when many Tories from this group of people, plus RW media like the Daily Mail, were very happy to sell out the country to the German Third Reich as long as they were OK. These vipers and turncoats have one factor in common: they belong, almost universally, to the same small sliver of British society who preach patriotism and British values while pimping the country to anyone who'll pay the "asking price". They will always risk the safety and security of the British people for personal enrichment. The Enemy Within doesn't wear boiler suits and donkey jackets but ermine robes and pinstriped suits - note the report's reference to unhealthy Russian business activities linked to a good number of the members of the House of Lords BUT their names are not to be mentioned in the report!!!!?? And if you are really surprised by this then you haven't been paying attention.
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