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Nicola Sturgeon finally begins the process of separation!

Go "better together" and retire at 75 YOA ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Also remember this "rag" (and others!) of a newspaper peddled that line to unsuspecting Scot voters in 2014 that a "better together" vote would protect pensions!!! F###### lying hypocrites and Tory backing c####!! Remember that this "think tank" is inspired by a RW Tory bastard named Ian-Duncan-Smith who has no regard for people or social justice - the Tory backer of a c### of an unelected PM called Johnson who Scots would never vote for!! Solution? Vote for Scottish independence as we have a small country, small populace and have a high regard for people and their well-being - in fact, we'll write it in a newly drafted Scottish constitution, unlike the UK - a country that does not even have a formal constitution!!
Following on from my last thread, I read a recent Guardian article by Simon Jenkins - a stonking column backing Scottish Independence which concluded that "Scotland has the same population as Denmark, with much the same resources, infrastructure and talent. Once it was richer by far. Today its GDP per person is £33k against Denmark's £52k. I am sure the slide lies in Scotland's long, economic dependency on the UK".
"Yessers" for Scot Indy are sure of that conclusion too, but to convince swithering No voters, we must "get off the back foot", reach beyond the dry narrative of GERS (Govt Expenditure and Revenue Scotland) statements and paint a vision of the vibrant, sustainable economy that independence alone gives us the chance to build and proper.
So the UK govt "hits an all-time low" and proves beyond doubt that we live in a fascist state with no regard for democratic values and an unelected govt ruling by diktat that is unprecedented - an abuse of power and also an abuse of the Queen's position in ruling on certain parliamentary matters albeit IMO questionable anyway in a country that has no formal constitution!
In Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon calling it "a dark day for democracy". Absolutely and democracy must react accordingly!!
Based on today's news, it looks like Scot Indy beckons and more quickly than realised - it must be fast-tracked!! To any Scottish reader, UDI anybody and f### the section 30 order eh esp if this is the way that an English Tory govt wants to conduct its affairs on our behalf and a sovereign country and population that does not wanna follow the path of these Tory extremists!!

I doubt that will happen but if it did, Scottish voters would "swamp" a massive vote for the SNP thereby activating a mandate for Scottish Independence and again I'd be tempted to initiate a UDI move although "wait n see" what unionist UK govt (a likely ultra-right Tory-Brexit govt???? Yukkkkkkkk!!!) is eventually in place before deciding on the best option to gain self-determination - a pragmatic one if made available.
Another hard line view of events in England albeit how terrible it will be, and it will be terrible, the UK has chosen to leave the EU on October 31, and has rejected every opportunity to change its mind. It has taken none of them. It has chosen, public and politicians alike, what’s coming, and ENGLAND deserves to get what it chose.
Scotland had the chance to pre-emptively avoid the UK’s fate in 2014, and "bottled it"!!!!! But we also democratically chose to vote on it again. Scotland’s politicians now need to accept the UK’s/England's choice and devote all of their efforts to "assembling the lifeboats" and giving our country the chance that British voters have already had and spurned.
Imagine for a moment how we’d feel if we’d won the indyref vote 52%-48% (although I'd rather we had a big majority win >60% TBH!!), won a subsequent election, and it was Unionists who were now trying to stop independence in the courts or with dubious procedural shenanigans. We’d be scandalised, and rightly so.
It’s time to get out of the UK. Let's be normal and lets choose the method to do it, albeit pragmatic or hard-line and telling the hijacked British/English govt to GTF!! As for Ireland, these f###### Tory and unionist extremists could well be starting a civil war with this kinda unconstitutional political game where a coup has been initiated against another coup - call it the fox gathering the chickens!!! But will the chickens ally with other predators to topple this enemy of the people!!? Watch this space!
Listening to the final result of the vote to block Johnson's "no deal Brexit plan" and, as expected, Johnson's unelected Tory govt beaten by 27 votes! I think it would be in the SNP's interests to list all those Scottish Tory MPs who sided with the govt and lets highlight their political folly anyway and even though the Scot C&U party has imploded and is unelectable up here!! F### them, a bunch of rudderless hypocrites who have been well "sussed out" a long time ago by the Scottish public!
Reading part of a speech by our fascist PM, Johnson, to the Tory 1922 Committee in June this year - another eye opener for all Scottish citizens - it reads WE'VE BEEN SIPHONING OFF ALL OF THEIR OIL UNDERNEATH THEIR DRINK-SODDEN NOSES FOR 30 YEARS WITHOUT THEM NOTICING. AND EVEN WHEN THEY DID FIND OUT, THEY STILL VOTED TO STAY IN OUR "1707 PAPER POLITICAL UNION".... WE COULD TURN LOCH LOMOND INTO A SEWAGE FACILITY AND CLEAR THE HIGHLANDS AGAIN AND THEY'D STILL WANT TO KEEP HOLD OF OUR COAT-TAILS!! This is the same posh-spoken Old Etonian moron who described Scots as "verminous" in a published poem in a Spectator article a good number of years ago, hastily removed by the Spectator editor! If I had my way, I'd deliver copies of this antagonistic comment to every Scottish household for info.
Now the Scottish nation discovers that David Cameron used the "purring" Queen to intervene in the 2014 Scot Indy referendum when it looked like the vote had "turned" towards YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????? This really "beggars belief" and remember this was the same British monarch who professed to the Scottish people that she was impartial re the direction that the Scottish public should choose. I can't believe that Cameron has revealed this now and placed the Queen in another very difficult position!! Alex Salmond rightly "slamming" into Cameron and the "better together" campaign this morning!! It is another BT misdemeanour to add to the huge list of lies and deceptions that were conjured up by the shameless unionist bastards who "played out" their desperate campaign to keep Scotland in the union and then "walk away", job done!! BASTARDS and this story just endorses that there is "unfinished business" up here in Scotland and Scottish Independence must come sooner rather than later!!
ritchiebaby likes this post
You've got to remember that Cameron is trying to sell his book, so it would appear that anything goes as far as he is concerned. Just another nail in the Tory coffin, virtually guaranteeing Scottish Independence.
0762 likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
I certainly won't be buying Cameron's book Ritchie. Indeed, I must say that I've always regarded him as a very boring person and politician and never really missed him at all when he "disappeared" from politics and from the "public gaze". He just confirmed what a Tory minion he actually is and already uttering an element of regret re his breach of confidence.
That xxxx has a lot to answer for, that's for sure.
Jo Swinson has said that Scottish Nationalism is the same as English Nationalism.

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